What should I do if I can’t afford the medical bills from my accident?

Mateo: Jason, I got in an accident and had to go to the hospital. It wasn’t my fault, but I don’t have the money to pay for the hospital visit. What do I do?

Jason: Hi Mateo. First, I am glad you got treatment and I hope you’re well on your way to recovery.

Mateo: Thanks Jason.

Jason: It’s not unusual to be treated at a hospital or medical facility before the responsibility for payment is worked out. So, I encourage you not to stress about it.

Mateo: I don’t like owing people money. But I haven’t heard from the insurance company yet.

Jason: Are you working with a personal injury attorney on your case?

Mateo: Not right now. I thought I’d see what the insurance company says first.

Jason: Mateo, it would be a good idea for you to have a consultation with a lawyer before talking to the insurance company. An attorney can help you negotiate fair compensation as well as any needs to you might have for your physical recovery.

Mateo: What do you mean?

Jason: Your attorney will work with your medical providers to collect the bills so you can apply them towards your claim. And if you need additional support with your recovery, a lawyer can help you find a doctor who understands you are pursuing legal action and will provide you care based on the future of your case.

Mateo: So, I could see the doctor again without having to pay?

Jason: Yes. With the help of an attorney, you could still get the care you need when you need it. Your healthcare provider and lawyer would work out the details of payment while you focus on recovery.

Mateo:  But I’d still have to pay the lawyer to do that, right?

Jason: Not necessarily. It depends on who you work with. I don’t take a dime from my clients unless I win their case.

Mateo: Oh, that’s great!

Jason: Besides the medical bills, working with an attorney also improves your chance of getting a fair settlement. The insurance company wants to give you as little money as it can get away with. It will use all kinds of tricks to cheat you out of what you deserve. Your attorney will fight for a fair amount.

Mateo: Thank you Jason!

DeSouza Law firm is a leading personal injury firm representing accident victims throughout Texas.

If you’ve been injured by a car, truck, 18-wheeler, company vehicle, or in the oilfield, call DeSouza injury Lawyers today at 361-799-2222 or visit the firm online at https://jfdlawfirm.com/.