How does insurance work when you’re in a car accident?

Patricia: Hi Jason. Whose insurance company has to pay the bills after my car accident?

Jason: Hi Patricia, that depends. Was the accident your fault? Or do you believe it was the fault of the other driver?

Patricia: Oh, it was definitely his fault.

Jason: If the man who hit you has admitted fault for the accident and his insurance company accepts that it was his fault, then it should pay you a standard amount to get your car repaired.

Patricia: That’s what I thought. But it’s been almost a week and I still haven’t heard anything from them. I need to get my car fixed.

Jason: I’m not surprised Patricia. Insurance companies are notorious for taking their time to figure out who is at fault and how much to pay you. And in my experience, they often offer less than what your accident is worth.

Patricia: That’s not right.

Jason: No, it’s not Patricia. But it happens all the time, especially when people try to negotiate with the insurance companies on their own. The insurance company pretends to be concerned about you and it asks a lot of questions. In reality, it’s looking for a reason to pay you less money so it can keep more for itself.

Patricia: Oh, I didn’t realize that. Can I just go through my own insurance company then?

Jason: If the driver of the other vehicle was uninsured or underinsured, then yes, you would file your claim through your own insurance company. If you have coverage for these kinds of accidents your deductible should be lowered or waived altogether.

Patricia: Well, I’m glad I have insurance, but it doesn’t sound like it will do me much good in this situation.

Jason: Yes, it is good that you have insurance, Patricia. But even if you didn’t have insurance, you could still seek compensation if the other driver is at fault.

Patricia: Thank you Jason. So, what happens now? I mean, if I don’t hear from the insurance company or if it refuses to pay me the right amount?

Jason: If this concerns you Patricia, I recommend seeking guidance from a lawyer. You should be able to find one that doesn’t charge you in any upfront fees. I don’t charge my clients a dime unless we win their case.

Patricia: Do you think this would help me get money for my car sooner?

Jason: It’s possible. If the insurance company is dealing directly with you, they might take advantage of the situation. If it is dealing with a lawyer who handles these kinds of cases all the time, you have a chance of a better outcome.

Patricia: Thank you Jason!

DeSouza Law firm is a leading personal injury firm representing accident victims throughout Texas.

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