Lupita: Hi Jason, my daughter was in a car accident. I want to know how we can tell if the insurance agent is trying to get out of paying her the right amount for the accident.
Jason: Thanks for your question, Lupita. I’m sorry to hear about the accident. Has she been in contact with the insurance agent already?
Lupita: Not yet. He called but she hasn’t called him back yet. She’s been in the hospital so I’m trying to help her with all of this. She’s going to be okay, but she did have some injuries.
Jason: Lupita, for clarification, who do you believe was at fault for the accident and who’s insurance agent called your daughter?
Lupita: It was the other guy’s fault. He was driving a big F350 truck. And I believe it was his company’s insurance agent that called her based on the voicemail that he left her.
Jason: Well I’m glad to hear that she hasn’t returned the call. Insurance agents, especially those that represent companies, are very skilled at getting victims to think they are helping them. But really, they are getting information to use against them to avoid paying a fair settlement.
Lupita: Oh that’s awful. So what should my daughter say when she talks to him?
Jason: I would recommend that instead of speaking with the insurance agent directly, that she hires a lawyer. Lawyers are familiar with these tactics. If your daughter speaks to him on her own, she could say something that harms her case without even realizing it.
Lupita: So you are basically saying we should assume that he is trying to cheat her out of money even if he seems really nice?
Jason: Absolutely. The goal of the insurance company is to protect its policy owners and offer the lowest settlements it can, no matter what it takes.
Lupita: Well how much would it cost her to get a lawyer? She’s already missing work because of this.
Jason: You can find lawyers that work on contingency, meaning that you pay nothing upfront. I don’t charge my clients a dime unless we win the case. I also negotiate medical bills with hospitals and doctors so that my clients don’t have to pay out of pocket for their medical care. The money comes out of the settlement or reward.
Lupita: That’s great, Jason. Thank you so much. I’m going to talk with her about this.
DeSouza Law firm is a leading personal injury firm representing accident victims throughout Texas.
If you’ve been injured by a car, truck, 18-wheeler, company vehicle, or in the oilfield, call DeSouza injury Lawyers today at 361-799-2222 or visit the firm online at