Fighting Big Insurance: 7 Years After the Loss of a Brackettville Family

Brackettville is no stranger to fighting. For nearly 100 years, troops at Fort Clark fought off all kinds of foes…Indians, the Mexican Army, Union soldiers, and more.

Now we don’t have to face the same kinds of fights today, but there are still battles to be won. Many vehicles come through Kinney County including 18-wheelers and company trucks often headed in and out of Mexico.

Sometimes these trucks are not well-maintained. And in other cases, the drivers are tired, distracted, or under the influence. In April of 2013, all but one member of a family from Brackettville were killed at the hands of one of these truck drivers.

Ruben Galindo was 60 years old at the time of the accident. He worked for Navigator Express, a Texas transport company based in Dallas. On that fateful night in April, Galindo, who admitted to drinking several 16-ounce beers, was looking for a truck stop when he mistakenly got on to U.S. 90 going the wrong way in the westbound lane.

Once he realized that drivers were coming toward him, a drunken Galindo panicked and lost control of his big rig. The vehicle barreled into an SUV belonging to the Koontz family from Brackettville.

The family was on its way back to Brackettville from San Antonio where the two teenage Koontz sisters competed in a UIL competition. Unfortunately, they never made it home. The wreck killed both the teenage girls who were 18 and 15 and their parents. Zachary Koontz, who was 13 at the time, was the only surviving member of the family.

Ruben Galindo walked away from the accident unharmed, but the following year he was sentenced to 57 years in prison. However, justice shouldn’t end for victims and their families in the criminal courts.

The company that Galindo worked for may also be responsible for the actions of its reckless driver. Unfortunately, in many cases like these, the victims must battle the trucking company’s insurance for the compensation they deserve.

In many cases, these insurance companies will offer a settlement that is way below the fair amount. They will threaten to fight back even if you hire a lawyer because they don’t want to pay the full and fair compensation for your damages. Don’t listen to their lies and threats –  instead, find a lawyer who will fight to get you what you deserve.

Injury attorney Jason DeSouza has helped many people in South Texas fight back against these insurance companies. And he doesn’t charge a dime unless he wins your case. So if you or a loved one have been the victim of a trucking accident, don’t give up without fight. Give Jason DeSouza a call.

DeSouza Law Firm is a leading personal injury firm representing accident victims throughout Texas.

If you’ve been injured by a car, truck, 18 wheeler, company vehicle, or in the oilfield, call DeSouza Injury Lawyers today at 361-799-2222.