Ports, Pirates, and the Coronavirus

What does all this mean for the people of South Texas?

Buc Days has been a Corpus Christi tradition since 1938. This fun-filled pirate festival celebrates both family and community. It’s normally held in late April and early May. But this year is different. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this event, like many others has been postponed. It’s now scheduled for November 19 – 29th of this year.

Coronavirus has brought about many changes in our lives. One that you may not be aware of is that shipments coming in from overseas at our ports have been put on hold – just like everything else.

There were already many 18-wheelers on the road, but the very real possibility is that you will see even more in the weeks to come. People need supplies, food, hospital equipment, and yes – more toilet paper.

If the ports are shut off, where will all these supplies come from? Shipments coming in from Mexico will likely increase if they haven’t already. And more supplies coming across the border from Mexico means more large trucks on the road.

An increased number of trucks heading up through South Texas could increase the risk of accidents – especially if these drivers are overworked and under pressure to meet their deadlines.

Granted, we are all spending more time in our homes than on the road, but all it takes is one trip to the grocery store or one visit with a loved one to be in an accident. Trucking companies recognize this, and they have insurance to help mitigate this risk.

Like the pirates of the Buc Days, many of these insurance companies who represent the trucking industry are ruthless. And they will take advantage of any situation they can. They may not wear eye patches or walk with a peg leg but make no mistake they do not have your best interests in mind, even if they pretend that they do.

When you are involved in an accident with a big rig or a company truck and are seeking compensation for your injury, these insurance companies will pull out every weapon in their arsenal to block you.

“During this time of shutdowns and stay-at-home orders, my firm can help you find medical treatment if you’ve been injured by a car or 18 wheeler.” – Jason F. DeSouza, DeSouza Law, PC

Delay, deny, underpay; refuse and confuse. These are some of their favorite weapons to use.

But you don’t have to accept their behavior. What you need is a lawyer on your side who isn’t afraid to fight back.

Jason DeSouza is a personal injury attorney who aggressively fights to stop the insurance company from robbing you of the full compensation that you deserve for your injury.  And you pay nothing for his services unless he wins your case.

DeSouza Law Firm is a leading personal injury firm representing accident victims throughout Texas.

If you’ve been injured by a car, truck, 18 wheeler, company vehicle, or in the oilfield, call DeSouza Injury Lawyers today at 361-799-2222.