Roberto: Hey Jason, my brother was in an accident his lawyer is encouraging him to settle. But it seems to me like people get more money if they go to trial. So I’m just wondering what you think he should do.
Jason: Hi, Roberto. I hope your brother is feeling okay after the accident. As for your question, it really depends on factors that are unique to your brother’s case. Generally speaking, I believe it is better to reach a settlement agreement if you can. But it’s equally important to work with a lawyer who’s comfortable going to trial if a settlement can’t be reached.
Roberto: Thanks Jason, he’s back at home and doing okay, but still has a long road ahead of rehabilitation. The medical bills are piling up – that’s why we are concerned about him getting enough out from a settlement.
Jason: I understand. Settlements generally don’t take as long as jury trials. So he could wrap it up within a few months if they come to agreeable terms with the other side. This can be a much less stressful route because he would have a guarantee of compensation for his injuries.
Roberto: Ah, maybe that’s why his lawyer wants to settle.
Jason: Perhaps, but if the lawyer is pushing a quick settlement, that could also be a red flag, especially if it is for less than what your brother deserves for his injuries. It’s important that he works with an experienced lawyer who has a winning record of negotiation and resolution.
Roberto: I wonder how experienced the lawyer is. That could impact how much he gets at trial too, right?
Jason: Absolutely. Going to trial means there is no certainty of the outcome. You really don’t know what the jury will decide. So it’s critical that his attorney has the experience to gather the evidence and present it in a convincing way to the jury.
Roberto: Thank you, Jason. I’m going to talk to him today.
Jason: You’re welcome. Feel free to give him my personal cell if he wants to talk to me about his case. My number is 210-591-9777.
DeSouza Injury Lawyers is a leading personal injury firm representing accident victims throughout Texas.
If you’ve been injured by a car, truck, 18-wheeler, company vehicle, or in the oilfield, call Jason DeSouza personally today at 210-591-9777 or 361-799-2222 or visit the firm online at