This time of year is one of celebration and joy for many. But for those who have experienced loss, it can feel very empty. In December of 2012, two young teens from Corpus Christi had a fun opportunity to ride as passengers in a deuce and a half (an old military cargo truck). Their parents, who were following behind in a classic Ford Bronco, had no idea of the horrific events that would follow.
You see, as they were headed down county road 364 near Orange Grove they encountered a group of guys in a Dodge Ram 2500 pickup truck. The driver of the truck was a man in the area on a work assignment. He was operating a vehicle that his oilfield company rented. And he was also drinking that night.
As he neared the old military vehicle that the two young girls were riding in, the man in the Dodge Ram lost control of his truck and collided with it. And to the horror of the girls’ parents, both vehicles rolled. The girls were pinned inside and died on impact. They were only 15 and 16 at the time.
After the Dodge Ram truck rolled, killing the girls, it also struck the parents’ vehicle from the rear. The parents survived – and so did the driver of the truck.
But the story gets worse. Witnesses report that after the dust had settled, the man who caused the accident reached into his wrecked vehicle and began drinking even more alcohol while waiting for the emergency response workers to arrive.
Did he do this out of stress over the accident? Or was he trying to hide that he had been drinking before the horrific wreck? The truth about his actions on that December evening remains a mystery.
Following the accident, several court trials ensued. Cases that involve fatalities, especially those of young, innocent lives, are very difficult. But it is important to seek justice and get the help you need in cases like these.
Personal injury attorney Jason DeSouza represented the driver of the Ford Bronco that was hit that night.
“When I was working this case, the defendant tried to cover up that he’d been renting his vehicle to his oilfield employer. We had to investigate a number of different witnesses who eventually corroborated that he’d been using the Dodge Ram for company business.” – Jason DeSouza
Helping families who have suffered at the hands of a drunk driver is something he is very passionate about. And he does it at no cost unless he wins the case.
If you’ve been involved in one of these types of accidents, know that your case matters to him – and he is ready to fight for the compensation you deserve.
No amount of money will ever bring back the girls who died that night – nor will it fill the hole in their parents’ hearts, especially this time of year. But it can help with the expenses and time lost at work while trying to recover from such a tragedy.
If you’ve been the victim of a drunk driving accident, you don’t have to settle for criminal justice alone. You can sue for damages in a civil court of law. Don’t rely on the insurance company to compensate you – you deserve more. Call Jason DeSouza at 361-799-2222.
DeSouza Law Firm is a leading personal injury firm representing accident victims throughout Texas.
If you’ve been injured by a car, truck, 18 wheeler, company vehicle, or in the oilfield, call DeSouza Injury Lawyers today at 361-799-2222.